人ELISA试剂盒| 大鼠ELISA试剂盒| 小鼠ELISA试剂盒| 牛ELISA试剂盒| 猪ELISA试剂盒| 鸡ELISA试剂盒| 犬ELISA试剂盒| 猫ELISA试剂盒| 马ELISA试剂盒| 植物ELISA试剂盒| 山羊ELISA试剂盒| 绵羊ELISA试剂盒| 鸭ELISA试剂盒| 兔ELISA试剂盒| 鱼ELISA试剂盒| 豚鼠ELISA试剂盒| 鹅ELISA试剂盒| 药物残留ELISA试剂盒| 兽药残留快速检测卡| 毒素类ELISA试剂盒| 其他ELISA试剂盒| Human ELISA Kit| Rat ELISA Kit| Mouse ELISA Kit| Procine ELISA Kit| Rabbit ELISA Kit| Guinea ELISA Kit| Chicken ELISA Kit| Sheep ELISA Kit| Canine ELISA Kit| 其它ELISA试剂盒|
高敏人Elisa试剂盒| 高敏小鼠Elisa试剂盒| 高敏大鼠Elisa试剂盒| 高敏豚鼠Elisa试剂盒| 高敏裸鼠Elisa试剂盒| 高敏仓鼠Elisa试剂盒| 高敏沙鼠Elisa试剂盒| 高敏鸭Elisa试剂盒| 高敏鹅Elisa试剂盒| 高敏猴Elisa试剂盒| 高敏兔Elisa试剂盒| 高敏马Elisa试剂盒| 高敏绵羊Elisa试剂盒| 高敏山羊Elisa试剂盒| 高敏犬Elisa试剂盒| 高敏牛Elisa试剂盒| 高敏鱼Elisa试剂盒|
微量法检测系列| 细胞生物学| 分子生物学| 物质分析| 病理学| 免疫学| 病毒包装| 动物造模| 蛋白表达| 抗体制备| 文库构建和筛选| RACE实验| 杂交实验| HPLC法检测项目| 气相色谱法检测项目|
染色液| 固定液| 染料| 褐藻寡糖系列| 壳寡糖系列| 琼胶寡糖系列| 卡拉胶寡糖系列| 木寡糖系列| 棉籽半乳寡糖系列| 不饱和硫酸软骨素二糖系列| 透明质酸寡糖系列| 麦芽寡糖系列| 海洋寡糖原料类|
细胞技术类产品| 生化试剂盒| 分子技术类产品| 蛋白化学技术类产品| 免疫抗体技术类产品| 医学技术类产品| 病理技术类产品| 生物化学技术类产品| 模式生物技术类产品| 微生物技术类产品| 植物技术类产品| 载体技术类产品| 毒理技术类产品| 营养技术类产品| 平台技术类产品| 其他相关产品|
蛋白质类| 氨基酸&多肽&蛋白质| 抗生素(生化试剂)| 酶&辅酶&抑制剂| 动植物激素| 碳水化合物及衍生物| 色素类| 维生素| 分离材料及耗材| 表面活性剂| 缓冲溶剂| 其他化学试剂| 碱基&核酸及其衍生物| 酸&盐&胺| 常规生化试剂|
细胞生长因子| 细胞辅助试剂| 细胞培养| 细胞检测试剂| 细胞系(株)| 细胞分离与消化| 细胞染色与探针| 细胞转染| 鲎试剂| 免疫细胞及干细胞| 其他原代细胞| 小鼠原代细胞| 大鼠原代细胞| 人源原代细胞| 其他细胞系| 小鼠细胞系| 大鼠细胞系| 人源细胞系|
农药标准物质| 天然药物系列单体| 英国LGC标准品| 美国药典标准品| 中检所标准品| 中药对照品| 对照药材| 标准溶液| 进口标准品| 分析对照品| 衍生化试剂| 离子对试剂|
Product Name:Chicken MT (Melatonin) ELISA Kit
Chinese Name:鸡褪黑素(MT)酶联免疫吸附测定试剂盒
Other names:鸡褪黑素(MT)elisa试剂盒
Serum - Use a serum separator tube and allow samples to clot for two hours at room temperature or overnight at 4℃ before centrifugation for 20 minutes at approximately 1000×g. Assay freshly prepared serum immediately or store samples in aliquot at -20℃ or -80℃ for later use. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles.
Plasma - Collect plasma using EDTA or heparin as an anticoagulant. Centrifuge samples for 15 minutes at 1000×g at 2-8℃ within 30 minutes of collection. Remove plasma and assay immediately or store samples in aliquot at -20℃ or -80℃ for later use. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles.
Tissue homogenates - For general information, hemolysis blood may affect the result, so you should rinse the tissues with ice-cold PBS (0.01M, pH=7.4) to remove excess blood thoroughly. Tissue pieces should be weighed and then minced to small pieces which will be homogenized in PBS (the volume depends on the weight of the tissue. 9mL PBS would be appropriate to 1 gram tissue pieces. Some protease inhibitor is recommended to add into the PBS.) with a glass homogenizer on ice. To further break the cells, you can sonicate the suspension with an ultrasonic cell disrupter or subject it to freeze-thaw cycles. The homogenates are then centrifugated for 5minutes at 5000×g to get the supernate.
Cell culture supernates and other biological fluids - Centrifuge samples for 20 minutes at 1000×g. Remove particulates and assay immediately or store samples in aliquot at -20℃ or -80℃ for later use. Avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles.
Note: The samples shoule be centrifugated dequately and no hemolysis or granule was allowed.
1. Do not substitute reagents from one kit lot to another. Standard, conjugate and microtiter plates are matched for optimal performance. Use only the reagents supplied by manufacturer.
2. Allow kit reagents and materials to reach room temperature (20-25°C) before use. Do not use water baths to thaw samples or reagents.
3. Do not use kit components beyond their expiration date.
4. Use only deionized or distilled water to dilute reagents.
5. Do not remove microtiter plate from the storage bag until needed. Unused strips should be stored at 2-8°C in their pouch with the desiccant provided.
6. Use fresh disposable pipette tips for each transfer to avoid contamination.
7. Do not mix acid and sodium hypochlorite solutions.
8. Serum and plasma should be handled as potentially hazardous and capable of transmitting disease. Disposable gloves must be worn during the assay procedure, since no known test method can offer complete assurance that products derived from Rat blood will not transmit infectious agents. Therefore, all blood derivatives should be considered potentially infectious and good laboratory practices should be followed.
9. All samples should be disposed of in a manner that will inactivate viruses.
10. Liquid Waste: Add sodium hypochlorite to a final concentration of 1.0%. The waste should be allowed to stand for a minimum of 30 minutes to inactivate the viruses before disposal.
11. Substrate Solution is easily contaminated. If bluish prior to use, do not use.
12. Substrate B contain 20% acetone, keep this reagent away from sources of heat or flame.
13. Remove all kit reagents from refrigerator and allow them to reach room temperature ( 20-25°C).
Wash Solution (1X) - Dilute 1 volume of Wash solution (20X) with 19 volumes of deionized or distilled water. Wash Solution is stable for 1 month at 2-8°C.
1. 37 ℃ incubator
2. Standard microplate reader capable of measuring absorbance at 450 nm
3. Precision pipettes, disposable pipette tips and Absorbent paper
4. Distilled or deionized water