人ELISA试剂盒| 大鼠ELISA试剂盒| 小鼠ELISA试剂盒| 牛ELISA试剂盒| 猪ELISA试剂盒| 鸡ELISA试剂盒| 犬ELISA试剂盒| 猫ELISA试剂盒| 马ELISA试剂盒| 植物ELISA试剂盒| 山羊ELISA试剂盒| 绵羊ELISA试剂盒| 鸭ELISA试剂盒| 兔ELISA试剂盒| 鱼ELISA试剂盒| 豚鼠ELISA试剂盒| 鹅ELISA试剂盒| 药物残留ELISA试剂盒| 兽药残留快速检测卡| 毒素类ELISA试剂盒| 其他ELISA试剂盒| Human ELISA Kit| Rat ELISA Kit| Mouse ELISA Kit| Procine ELISA Kit| Rabbit ELISA Kit| Guinea ELISA Kit| Chicken ELISA Kit| Sheep ELISA Kit| Canine ELISA Kit| 其它ELISA试剂盒|


高敏人Elisa试剂盒| 高敏小鼠Elisa试剂盒| 高敏大鼠Elisa试剂盒| 高敏豚鼠Elisa试剂盒| 高敏裸鼠Elisa试剂盒| 高敏仓鼠Elisa试剂盒| 高敏沙鼠Elisa试剂盒| 高敏鸭Elisa试剂盒| 高敏鹅Elisa试剂盒| 高敏猴Elisa试剂盒| 高敏兔Elisa试剂盒| 高敏马Elisa试剂盒| 高敏绵羊Elisa试剂盒| 高敏山羊Elisa试剂盒| 高敏犬Elisa试剂盒| 高敏牛Elisa试剂盒| 高敏鱼Elisa试剂盒|


微量法检测系列| 细胞生物学| 分子生物学| 物质分析| 病理学| 免疫学| 病毒包装| 动物造模| 蛋白表达| 抗体制备| 文库构建和筛选| RACE实验| 杂交实验| HPLC法检测项目| 气相色谱法检测项目|


染色液| 固定液| 染料| 褐藻寡糖系列| 壳寡糖系列| 琼胶寡糖系列| 卡拉胶寡糖系列| 木寡糖系列| 棉籽半乳寡糖系列| 不饱和硫酸软骨素二糖系列| 透明质酸寡糖系列| 麦芽寡糖系列| 海洋寡糖原料类|


细胞技术类产品| 生化试剂盒| 分子技术类产品| 蛋白化学技术类产品| 免疫抗体技术类产品| 医学技术类产品| 病理技术类产品| 生物化学技术类产品| 模式生物技术类产品| 微生物技术类产品| 植物技术类产品| 载体技术类产品| 毒理技术类产品| 营养技术类产品| 平台技术类产品| 其他相关产品|


蛋白纯化试剂盒| 抗体| 血清|


蛋白质类| 氨基酸&多肽&蛋白质| 抗生素(生化试剂)| 酶&辅酶&抑制剂| 动植物激素| 碳水化合物及衍生物| 色素类| 维生素| 分离材料及耗材| 表面活性剂| 缓冲溶剂| 其他化学试剂| 碱基&核酸及其衍生物| 酸&盐&胺| 常规生化试剂|


细胞生长因子| 细胞辅助试剂| 细胞培养| 细胞检测试剂| 细胞系(株)| 细胞分离与消化| 细胞染色与探针| 细胞转染| 鲎试剂| 免疫细胞及干细胞| 其他原代细胞| 小鼠原代细胞| 大鼠原代细胞| 人源原代细胞| 其他细胞系| 小鼠细胞系| 大鼠细胞系| 人源细胞系|


正常动物血清及免疫球蛋白| 标记蛋白质与多肽| 蛋白质与多肽| 标记二抗| 二抗| 标记一抗| 一抗| 内参抗体| 标签抗体| 抗原| 植物抗体|


干粉培养基系列| 显色培养基| 培养基平板| 成品液体培养基| 微生物生化管| 管装培养基| 培养基原料| 其他培养基产品|


农药标准物质| 天然药物系列单体| 英国LGC标准品| 美国药典标准品| 中检所标准品| 中药对照品| 对照药材| 标准溶液| 进口标准品| 分析对照品| 衍生化试剂| 离子对试剂|


酶标仪| 常规耗材| 进口耗材| 移液器| 其他小仪器|


Life试剂| Amresco试剂| Sigma试剂| R&D试剂| Merck试剂| Novus试剂| Lifespan试剂| eBioscience| Pepro Tech| Gene Tex| Cayman| ENZO| Serotec| Active Motif| InvivoGen| ProZyme| Vetorlabs| Mirus| Fitzgerald| Biovendor| BioVision|


其它系列| ELISA试剂盒| 放免试剂盒| 辅酶Ⅰ系列| 辅酶Ⅱ系列| 谷胱甘肽系列| 维生素C代谢系列| 氧化与抗氧化系列| 氮代谢系列| 氨基酸代谢系列| 微量法| 常量法| 高效液相色谱法| 抗逆系列| 氧化系列| 抗氧化系列| 糖酵解系列| ATP系列| 酯酶系列| 线粒体呼吸链系列| 三羧酸循环系列| 蛋白酶系列| 脂肪酸代谢系列| 淀粉系列| 蔗糖系列| 糖代谢系列| 离子系列| 土壤系列| 信号系列| 转氢酶系列| 蛋白定量| 果胶系列| 光合作用系列| 糖异生系列| 维生素系列|

首页 > ELISA试剂盒 > 兽药残留快速检测卡



Cat No. eia06132h        

Human N-Terminal Pro-C Type Natriuretic PeptideNT-ProCNPELISA Kit

Dear customers, thank you for choosing our products. This product is suitable for in vitro qualitative detection of human serum, plasma or cell culture supernatant and organizations in the natural and recombinant NT-ProCNP concentration. Detection of other special sample please contact our technical support. The kit is for research use only. Please read the instructions carefully before using and check the kit components. If you have any questions, please contact SANCHEZ INC You will get our full range of services.


This kit employs Double Antibody Sandwich Technique. The principle of Double Antibody Sandwich is based on characteristics of the tested antigen with more than two valances which can identify coated antibody and detection antibody at same time. The specific process is as follows:


1. Connect the specific antibodies and solid phase carriers to form immobilized antibodies. Wash out uncombined antibodies and impurities. Seal the rest binding sites with irrelevant proteins.

2. Join under test with immobilized antibodies for contact reaction. After a while, combine antigens in and antibodies on carriers into the antigens complex. Wash out uncombined antibodies and impurities.

3. Add biotin labeling antibodies to combine with the antigens on immune complexes. Wash out the uncombined biotin labeling antibodies thoroughly. The enzyme amount on the carrier is now positively related to the amount of the tested substance in specimens.

4. Add horseradish peroxidase to label the avidins and incorporate them with the biotin labeling antibodies. Wash out the incorporated enzyme markers thoroughly. The enzyme amount on the carrier is now positively related to the amount of the tested substance in specimens.

5. Add substrates for coloring, and compute the concentration of specimens.

Note: an antibody molecule can be marked on several biotin molecules and a biotin molecule can be connected with a HRP-Avidin to form numbers of horseradish peroxidases combining with antibodies which shows higher sensitivity and amplification effect comparing with traditional direct HRP-Antibodies.


Detection principle of Human NT-ProCNP ELISA kit

This experiment use double-sandwich elisa technique and the ELISA Kit provided is typical. The pre-coated antibody is human NT-ProCNP monoclonal antibody and the detecting antibody is polyclonal antibody with biotin labeled. Samples and biotin labeling antibody are added into ELISA plate wells and washed out with PBS or TBS. Then Avidin-peroxidase conjugates are added to ELISA wells in order; Use TMB substrate for coloring after reactant thoroughly washed out by PBS or TBS. TMB turns into blue in peroxidase catalytic and finally turns into yellow under the action of acid. The color depth and the testing factors in samples are positively correlated.          


Kit composition

name                    96 Tests  48 TestsStorage

1Antibody precoated plate    8×12      8×64/-20℃

2Human NT-ProCNP Standards   2 vial      1 vial4/-20℃

3Biotinylated antibody(1:100)    1 vial     1 vial4/-20℃

4Enzyme conjugate(1:100) 1vial      1 vial4/-20℃

5Enzyme diluent                1vial  1vial        4/-20℃

6Antibody diluent               1vial  1 vial4/-20℃

7Standard diluent               1vial 1 vial      4/-20℃

8Sample diluent                1vial  1 vial   4/-20℃

9Washing buffer (1:25)         1 vial 1 vial    4/-20℃

10Colour Reagent A  1 vial 1 vial   4/-20℃

11Colour Reagent B1 vial 1 vial   4/-20℃

12Colour Reagent C  1 vial 1 vial   4/-20℃

13Instruction    1 set 1 set   RT


RTRoom temperature

StandardFrozen dried

Colour Reagent A: Avoid light


Necessary for testing their own test facilities and equipment

1. Microplate reader (450nm detection wavelength filter, 570nm or 630nm correction wavelength filters).

2. Washer (adjustable amount of liquid injection to ensure that each well 350μl lotion without overflow).

3. Clean benches, biological safety cabinets, fume hoods.

4. High-precision single-channel dispenser (range 0.5-10μl-20μl, 20-200μl, 200-1000μl).

5. High-precision multi-channel plus liquid (8 or 12, the range of 50-300μl of).

6. 37℃ incubator.

7. Low temperature centrifuge.

8. Refrigerators (4℃, -20℃, -86℃).

9. Analytical balance.

10. Scissors, tweezers, pliers, and so on.

11. Swirl mixing device, low-frequency oscillator, and so on.


Necessary for testing their own testing supplies and reagents

1. Centrifuge tube (capacity of 1.5ml, 5ml, and so on).

2. Disposable tip (range of 0.5-10μl-20μl, 20-200μl, 200-1000μl).

3. Pure water or distilled water.

4. Coordinate paper.

5. Absorbent paper.

6. EDTA, sodium citrate, heparin


Sample collection Note

1. The tube for blood collection should be free of pyrogen and endotoxin

2. Hemolysis and hyperlipidemia specimens can not be used to extracted serum and plasma.

3.  The samples should appear clear and transparent. And all the suspension should be removed through centrifugation.

4.  If collected samples are not timely detected, they should be divided according to single usage amount and frozen reserved in refrigerator at -20-80℃, avoiding the repeated freeze-thaw.

5.  According to the actual situation of the samples, make proper multiple dilutions (Pre-experiment is strongly recommended in order to confirm the dilution ratio)

6.  Collect specimens and try to gain double dosage to avoid specimens shortage for repeated assays in case that failure in one-assay delays experimental process.

7.  Do protective measures when collecting specimens (e.g. wearing gloves, respirator, respirator, etc.), aware of the potential risk in all specimens.

8.  Specimen processing should be inside the biological safety cabinet. Ensure proper use of the biological safety cabinet.


Measures for the samples

1.   Serum: Put the collected whole blood in refrigerator at 4℃ for the night. Then centrifuge it for 10min at 1000-3000rpm. Take supernatant tested immediately or put samples at -20℃( for 1-3 months) or -80℃ (for 1-3 months) for storage.

2.   Plasma: Take EDTA, sodium citrate and heparin as anticoagulant. Add the plasma and mix them well. Centrifuge mixture for 10min at 1000-3000rpm. Take supernatant tested immediately or put samples at -20℃( for 1-3 months) or -80℃ (for 1-3 months) for storage.

3. Tissue homogenate: Take tissue slices and wash them out in 0.01MPBS; Add tissue protein extraction reagent according to proportion of 1G: 5-10ml and mix them in ice water. After being blended, mixture shall be centrifuged for 10min at 5000-10000rpm.Take supernatant tested immediately or put them at -20℃( for 1-3 months) or -80℃ (for 1-3 months) for storage.

4.  Cell culture: Take centrifugation for 10min at 1000-3000rpm.Take supernatant tested immediately or put samples at -20℃( for 1-3 months) or -80℃ (for 1-3 months) for storage.

5. For urine, ascites, cerebrospinal fluid, etc: ake centrifugation for 10min at 1000-3000rpm. Take supernatant tested immediately or put samples at -20℃( for 1-3 months) or -80℃ (for 1-3 months) for storage.

Note: The general principles of the sample dilution

The user should refer to the references to know the probable content of the samples before decide to dilute the samples,and the diluted content of the sample must be in the best detection range of the given ELISA Kits. The dilution of the sample should be recorded in detail.



1.  The kit should be kept at 2-8℃ before being used. Except the redissolved standard samples, other Ingredients must not be frozen.

2. For the concentrated biotinylated Human NT-ProCNP antibody, the concentrated enzyme-conjugates have small size. Bumping or potential inversion of the tubes during transportation may cause the liquid sticking to wall or cap. Thus, the tubes should be shaken manually or centrifuged for 1 min at 1000rpm to shake off the adherent liquid down to the tube bottom.

3.  Concentrated washing buffer may crystallize a little. Use water bath to help the dissolution during diluting process. The crystals must be totally dissolved when preparing washing buffer.

4. During testing process, the human NT-ProCNP lyophilized standard sample shall be single-use and must not be divided. The sample will quickly inactivate after being dissolved because of its lower concentration.

5. Operation should be strictly in accordance with the instructions. Mixed usage of components with different batch number in this reagent is not allowed

6.  Ensure the reagent well mixed by the spiral hybrid instrument. For the reagent in the microplate, adequate mixing is particularly important to test result. So it’s better to employ the micro-oscillator (at the lowest frequency). If there is not micro-oscillator, shake the microplate manually for 1 min, slightly as like a circular movement to make sure reaction liquid in microplate well mixed

7.  ELISA for experiment should be strictly operated according to manual standard and fully preheated beforehand.

8.  During enzyme immunoassay, there should be multiple pores when testing Human NT-ProCNP standard samples

9.  Put the unused microplates into raw foil bag at 2-8℃ for storage.

10. Chromogen reagent is sensitive to light. Therefore it should be free of being exposed to light.

11. Kits out of validity should not be used in experiment.

12. The determination of test results must be subject to ELISA’s readings. When using dual-wavelength for test, the wavelength should be set at 450nm and 630nm respectively.

13. All the samples, washing liquid and wastes should be treated as biowaste. Colour Reagent C should be 2M sulfuric acid and pay attention to safety when it is used.

14. Sample-adding at every step should be taken by adding instrument. Calibrate accuracy of the adding device to avoid experiment error. The time of single sample-adding should be controlled within 5 min. Just in case of exceeding samples, the volley for sample-adding is proposed.

15. Adhesive closures do not reuse or according to the experiments need to be cropped. Stick a strip of adhesive to compaction

16. Test determination and standard curve should be made at same time in every experiment, so there better be multiple pores. If the content of test sample were too high (OD value of the sample is higher than that of sample well maximum concentration), dilute to certain multiple by sample diluents (n times), then test the result and multiply it by dilution ratios when making calculation.

17. The sample containing NaN3 can’t be tested because NaN3 inhibit the activities of horseradish peroxidase (HRP).

18. When washing board by plate washer, the volume of liquid injection to each well should be more than 350μl. Check if the sampling head is jammed. Yet the water absorption material with Paper Scrap should be cautiously used while washing board manually, free of the reaction between exogenous peroxidase analogues and chromogen reagents.

19. After the reaction being terminated by Colour Reagent C, read OD within 10 min.

20. During multiple pores experiment, the calculation result shall be mean value.

21. Sample hemolysis may cause false positive result, so this test is not appropriate for sample hemolysis.

22. During test, the strips should be put into closed box after adding samples and the humidity around should be kept at about 60%

23. It is advisable to check the thermostat by frequent calibration to keep its inside temperature at 37℃. Ensure the experimental temperature being steady.

24. For 48T Elisa Kit, all components are 50% amount of 96T.


Test preparation 

1.Please get the Elisa Kit out of refrigerator 20 minutes in advance and take test when it balances to room temperature.

2. Dilute the concentrated washing solution with double distilled water (1:25). Put the unused back.

3. Human NT-ProCNP standard sample:  Add diluent 1.0ml into human NT-ProCNP lyophilized standard sample and keep it still for 30 min. After the sample completely dissolved, mix it slightly and mark label on the tube①then take dilution as needed.(It is recommended to using following concentration value to standard curve: 2000,1000,500,250,125,62.5,31.2pg/ml). Note: Make sure the lyophilized standard completely dissolved and well mixed.

4. Legend of standard sample dilution method: Take 7 clean tubes and label them with ②,③,④,⑤,⑥,⑦,⑧ respectively. Add 300μl standard sample diluent into each tube. Pipette out 300μl diluent from tube ① to tube ② and mix well. Further Pipette out 300μl diluent from tube ② to tube ③, and mix well. Repeat steps above up to tube ⑦. Standard sample dilution in tube⑧is negative control.

Note: The redissolved standard liquid2000 pg/mlshall be discarded and not non-reusable.


Note: Reconstituted standard stock solution can not be reused.


5. Biotinylated human NT-ProCNP antibody liquid: Referring to needed amount, employ antibody diluent to dilute the concentrated biotinylated antibody (1:100) to form biotinylated antibody liquid. The preparation should be done 30 min in advance. And it’s only for use on that day

6. Enzyme-conjugate liquid: Referring to needed amount, dilute the concentrated enzyme-conjugate by enzyme-conjugate diluent (1:100) to form enzyme-conjugate liquid. The preparation should be done 30 min in advance. And it’s only for use on that day.

7. Colour Reagent liquid: Prepare Colour Reagent liquid 30 min in advance with Colour Reagent A and Colour Reagent B by the proportion of 9:1.


Washing method

1.Automatic plate-washing machine: The required amount of lotion is 350μl and the injection and extraction interval should be 2030secs. Be well aware of the operation instruction before putting the machine into practice.

2. Manual plate-washing machine: add 350μl lotion to each well and keep it still for 30secs. Shake individual wells as dry as you can and clean them with absorbent paper. During the plate-washing process, pay attention to the lotion-adding step to avoid contamination and well-jumping..



Read-if using two wavelength plate, empty holes can not; if using a read single wavelength plate , set the empty hole, empty holes in addition to color working liquid and TMB terminates other than liquid, without any reagent.

1.Take out needed strips from zip lock bag which balances to room temperature. The unused strips and desiccant should be put back into the sealed aluminum foil bag at 2-8℃ for storage.

2. Set aside blank wells (if dual-wavelength reading plate is used, the blank wells could be ignored)

3. Add samples or different concentration of human NT-ProCNP standard samples to corresponding wells (100μl for each well), 0pg/ml well should be filled with standard diluent. Seal the reaction wells with adhesive tapes, hatching in incubator at 37℃ for 90 min.

4. Prepare biotinylated human NT-ProCNP antibody liquid 30min in advance.

5. Wash the Elisa plate 3 times

6. Add the biotinylated human NT-ProCNP antibody liquid to each well (100μl for each). Seal reaction wells with adhesive tapes,  hatching  in incubator at 37℃ for 60 min.

7. Prepare enzyme-conjugate liquid 30min in advance.

8. Wash the Elisa plate 3 times

9. Add enzyme-conjugate liquid to each well except blank wells (100μl for each). Seal the reaction wells with  adhesive tapes,  hatching  in incubator at 37℃ for 30 min.

10. Wash the Elisa plate 5 times.

11. Add 100μl Colour Reagent liquid to individual well (also into blank well), hatching in dark incubator at 37℃. When color for high concentration of standard curve become darker and color gradient appears, the hatching can be stopped. The chromogenic reaction should be controlled within 30 min.

12. Add 100μl Colour Reagent C to individual well (also into blank well). Mix well. Read OD450nmwithin 10 min.


Result determination

1. OD value of each sample and specimen should minus that of blank well (if not, the standard curve of zero well should intersect at Y axis)

2. Draw standard curve manually. Take concentration value of samples as abscissa and OD readings as vertical coordinate. Use smooth line to connect each coordinate point of standard sample. The concentration of samples can be found by checking sample OD reading. It is recommended to employ the professional curve software (e.g. curve expert 1.3) to analyze and compute the result.

3. If the sample OD is higher than the upper limit of standard curve, the sample should be re-diluted and the experiment rerun. Multiply the result by dilution factor when calculating the unknown.

Note: This chart is only for reference. The calculation of specimens’ content shall be subject to the standard curve made for samples in same experiment.


Note: This chart is for reference only, should be based on the test standard dwarfed standard curve to calculate the specimen content.


Summary of operating procedures

Prepare reagents, samples and standards


Add to the prepared sample and the standard reaction at 37  for 90 minutes


Washe the plate ,adding a biotinylated antibody working solution, 37  for 60 minutes


Washed three times to join the Enzyme working solution, 37  for 30 minutes


Washer five times, adding the Colour Reagent solution, 37  for


Add to the Colour Reagent C


Microplate reader measured OD values within 10 minutes


Calculate the factor content of specimens tested


 Kit parameters

Detection range2000 pg/ml-31.2 pg/ml

Sensitivitythe minimum detectable human NT-ProCNP up to 12 pg/ml.

SpecificNo cross-reaction with other factors.

Intra assay Precision≤ 8%

Inter assay Precision≤ 12%

Recovery70 - 110 percent.

Storage-20℃ [Short-term should be placed 4℃(such as two weeks)]

Usesused in vitro quantitative analysis of liquid samples (Universal).


Production DateSee microtiter plates aluminum foil bag sealing stamp.

Validity12 months (-20℃).



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