人ELISA试剂盒| 大鼠ELISA试剂盒| 小鼠ELISA试剂盒| 牛ELISA试剂盒| 猪ELISA试剂盒| 鸡ELISA试剂盒| 犬ELISA试剂盒| 猫ELISA试剂盒| 马ELISA试剂盒| 植物ELISA试剂盒| 山羊ELISA试剂盒| 绵羊ELISA试剂盒| 鸭ELISA试剂盒| 兔ELISA试剂盒| 鱼ELISA试剂盒| 豚鼠ELISA试剂盒| 鹅ELISA试剂盒| 药物残留ELISA试剂盒| 兽药残留快速检测卡| 毒素类ELISA试剂盒| 其他ELISA试剂盒| Human ELISA Kit| Rat ELISA Kit| Mouse ELISA Kit| Procine ELISA Kit| Rabbit ELISA Kit| Guinea ELISA Kit| Chicken ELISA Kit| Sheep ELISA Kit| Canine ELISA Kit| 其它ELISA试剂盒|


高敏人Elisa试剂盒| 高敏小鼠Elisa试剂盒| 高敏大鼠Elisa试剂盒| 高敏豚鼠Elisa试剂盒| 高敏裸鼠Elisa试剂盒| 高敏仓鼠Elisa试剂盒| 高敏沙鼠Elisa试剂盒| 高敏鸭Elisa试剂盒| 高敏鹅Elisa试剂盒| 高敏猴Elisa试剂盒| 高敏兔Elisa试剂盒| 高敏马Elisa试剂盒| 高敏绵羊Elisa试剂盒| 高敏山羊Elisa试剂盒| 高敏犬Elisa试剂盒| 高敏牛Elisa试剂盒| 高敏鱼Elisa试剂盒|


微量法检测系列| 细胞生物学| 分子生物学| 物质分析| 病理学| 免疫学| 病毒包装| 动物造模| 蛋白表达| 抗体制备| 文库构建和筛选| RACE实验| 杂交实验| HPLC法检测项目| 气相色谱法检测项目|


染色液| 固定液| 染料| 褐藻寡糖系列| 壳寡糖系列| 琼胶寡糖系列| 卡拉胶寡糖系列| 木寡糖系列| 棉籽半乳寡糖系列| 不饱和硫酸软骨素二糖系列| 透明质酸寡糖系列| 麦芽寡糖系列| 海洋寡糖原料类|


细胞技术类产品| 生化试剂盒| 分子技术类产品| 蛋白化学技术类产品| 免疫抗体技术类产品| 医学技术类产品| 病理技术类产品| 生物化学技术类产品| 模式生物技术类产品| 微生物技术类产品| 植物技术类产品| 载体技术类产品| 毒理技术类产品| 营养技术类产品| 平台技术类产品| 其他相关产品|


蛋白纯化试剂盒| 抗体| 血清|


蛋白质类| 氨基酸&多肽&蛋白质| 抗生素(生化试剂)| 酶&辅酶&抑制剂| 动植物激素| 碳水化合物及衍生物| 色素类| 维生素| 分离材料及耗材| 表面活性剂| 缓冲溶剂| 其他化学试剂| 碱基&核酸及其衍生物| 酸&盐&胺| 常规生化试剂|


细胞生长因子| 细胞辅助试剂| 细胞培养| 细胞检测试剂| 细胞系(株)| 细胞分离与消化| 细胞染色与探针| 细胞转染| 鲎试剂| 免疫细胞及干细胞| 其他原代细胞| 小鼠原代细胞| 大鼠原代细胞| 人源原代细胞| 其他细胞系| 小鼠细胞系| 大鼠细胞系| 人源细胞系|


正常动物血清及免疫球蛋白| 标记蛋白质与多肽| 蛋白质与多肽| 标记二抗| 二抗| 标记一抗| 一抗| 内参抗体| 标签抗体| 抗原| 植物抗体|


干粉培养基系列| 显色培养基| 培养基平板| 成品液体培养基| 微生物生化管| 管装培养基| 培养基原料| 其他培养基产品|


农药标准物质| 天然药物系列单体| 英国LGC标准品| 美国药典标准品| 中检所标准品| 中药对照品| 对照药材| 标准溶液| 进口标准品| 分析对照品| 衍生化试剂| 离子对试剂|


酶标仪| 常规耗材| 进口耗材| 移液器| 其他小仪器|


Life试剂| Amresco试剂| Sigma试剂| R&D试剂| Merck试剂| Novus试剂| Lifespan试剂| eBioscience| Pepro Tech| Gene Tex| Cayman| ENZO| Serotec| Active Motif| InvivoGen| ProZyme| Vetorlabs| Mirus| Fitzgerald| Biovendor| BioVision|


其它系列| ELISA试剂盒| 放免试剂盒| 辅酶Ⅰ系列| 辅酶Ⅱ系列| 谷胱甘肽系列| 维生素C代谢系列| 氧化与抗氧化系列| 氮代谢系列| 氨基酸代谢系列| 微量法| 常量法| 高效液相色谱法| 抗逆系列| 氧化系列| 抗氧化系列| 糖酵解系列| ATP系列| 酯酶系列| 线粒体呼吸链系列| 三羧酸循环系列| 蛋白酶系列| 脂肪酸代谢系列| 淀粉系列| 蔗糖系列| 糖代谢系列| 离子系列| 土壤系列| 信号系列| 转氢酶系列| 蛋白定量| 果胶系列| 光合作用系列| 糖异生系列| 维生素系列|

Human Aβ42 (Amyloid Beta 42) ELISA Kit说明书

点击次数:620次     发布时间:2019/9/4 11:39:48


Principle of the Assay
This kit was based on sandwich enzyme-linked immune-sorbent assay technology. Anti- Aβ42
antibody was pre-coated onto 96-well plates. And the biotin conjugated anti- Aβ42 antibody
was used as detection antibodies. The standards, test samples and biotin conjugated detectionantibody were added to the wells subsequently, and washed with wash buffer. HRP-
Streptavidin was added and unbound conjugates were washed away with wash buffer. TMB
substrates were used to visualize HRP enzymatic reaction. TMB was catalyzed by HRP to
produce a blue color product that changed into yellow after adding acidic stop solution. The
density of yellow is proportional to the Aβ42 amount of sample captured in plate. Read the
O.D. absorbance at 450nm in a microplate reader, and then the concentration of Aβ42 can be
1. To inspect the validity of experiment operation and the appropriateness of sample dilution
proportion, pilot experiment using standards and a small number of samples is
2. After opening and before using, keep plate dry.
3. Before using the Kit, spin tubes and bring down all components to the bottom of tubes.
4. Storage TMB reagents avoid light.
5. Washing process is very important, not fully wash easily cause a false positive.
6. Duplicate well assay is recommended for both standard and sample testing.
7. Don’t let Micro plate dry at the assay, for dry plate will inactivate active components on
8. Don’t reuse tips and tubes to avoid cross contamination.
9. Avoid using the reagents from different batches together.
Material Required but Not Supplied
1. Microplate reader (wavelength: 450nm)
2. 37°C incubator
3. Automated plate washer
4. Precision single and multi-channel pipette and disposable tips
5. Clean tubes and Eppendorf tubes
6. Deionized or distilled water
Manual Washing
Discard the solution in the plate without touching the side walls. Clap the plate on absorbent
filter papers or other absorbent material. Fill each well completely with 350ul wash buffer and
soak for 1 to 2 minutes, then aspirate contents from the plate, and clap the plate on absorbent
filter papers or other absorbent material. Repeat this procedure two more times for a total of
THREE washes.
2Automatic Washing
Aspirate all wells, and then wash plate THREE times with 350ul wash buffer. After the final wash,
invert plate, and clap the plate on absorbent filter papers or other absorbent material. It is
recommended that the washer shall be set for soaking 1 minute.
Sample Collection and Storage
Isolate test samples soon after collecting, then, analyze immediately (within 2 hours). Or aliquot
and store at -20°C for long term. Avoid multiple freeze-thaw cycles.
Serum: Place whole blood sample at room temperature for 2 hours or put it at 4°C
overnight and centrifugation for 20 minutes at approximately 1000×g, Collect the
supernatant and carry out the assay immediately. Blood collection tubes should be
disposable, non-pyrogenic, and non-endotoxin.
Plasma: Collect plasma using EDTA-Na2 as an anticoagulant. Centrifuge samples for 15
minutes at 1000×g at 2 - 8°C within 30 minutes of collection. Collect the supernatant and
carry out the assay immediately. Avoid hemolysis, high cholesterol samples.
Tissue Homogenates: As hemolysis blood has relation to assay result, it is necessary to
remove residual blood by washing tissue with pre-cooling PBS buffer (0.01M, pH=7.4).
Mince tissue after weighing it and get it homogenized in PBS (the volume depends on the
weight of the tissue. Generally speaking, 9mL PBS would be appropriate to 1 gram tissue
pieces. Some protease inhibitors are recommended to add into the PBS) with a glass
homogenizer on ice. To further break the cells, you can sonicate the suspension with an
ultrasonic cell disrupter or subject it to freeze-thaw cycles. The homogenates are then
centrifuged for 5minutes at 5000×g to get the supernate.
Cell Culture supernate: Centrifuge supernatant for 20 minutes at 1000×g at 2 - 8°C to
remove insoluble impurity and cell debris. Collect the clear supernate and carry out the
assay immediately.
Other Biological Fluids: Centrifuge samples for 20 minutes at 1000×g at 2-8°C. Collect
supernatant and carry out the assay immediately.
Sample Preparation: Samples shall be clear and transparent and remove suspended solids
by centrifugation.
Note: Samples to be used within 5 days can be stored at 4°C, besides that, samples must be
stored at -20°C (assay ≤1 month) or -80°C(assay≤2 months) to avoid loss of bioactivity and
contamination. Hemolyzed samples are not suitable for this assay.
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